I went to morning prayer about two going on three weeks ago. I haven't been able to go back right now because of obligations that have kept me out of town. I was so inspired and motivated and uplifted. I need that so much. These were the thoughts that came to me later on.
I need to return to my commitment to God on a deeper level. I need to return to what I am called to be and not what I think I want to be.
I need God to revive me.
I need the joy of my salvation restored.
I need for my spirit to be renewed.
I was told that God is making me, and breaking off some things in the process. I have to be willing to be broken, but that is easier said than done. Breaks hurt.
Through this process I believe that I will be elevated in Christ. Not talking about natural elevations and positions but spiritual.
Going the distance will allow me to discover who I really am in Christ. That's all I want.
In creating this image, I started with a painted background. Gesso and then layered acrylics. The written text, raindrops and flowers were done freehand. I then took a picture of it on my phone and went into my various photo applications to enhance it. I apologize for not know which applications I used. In the future, I will try to keep track of what I have used. I am sure that I used PhotoStudio Pro and PicsArt.